HellFun Awakening Walpurgis Nacht
On invitation by Amsterdam based Kunstenaarsinitiatief Beyoncé,
HellFun made use of the exhibition/space “the Castle” at W139, Amsterdam
to make a four hour long public film shoot/event, open for audience to witness (on distance)
A loosely scripted dinner scene was shot at a massive dinner table to generate raw material
for HellFun´s extended ongoing season: IM IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE.
PLOT: Specially invited guests like REX LIKE REX THE DOG & Dr Tomorrow Baby
in closeup conversations directed by HellFun. Film star Florentina Holzinger
interrupts/enters for a very important Q&A followed by: Midnight DELIVERY (Chainsaw Abortion Action).
Korvetti (Gluten & Vegan options) with ketchup.
Vodka with fresh Lemon & SPA Sparkling water served in HellFun´s special designed mugs for the evening.
Walpurgis: I was canonized tomorrow and I’m taking the two little ones with me, they look like goddamn beavers.
Don Quixote: who are these little cuties? (pointing at the little dogs wearing diapers)
REX LIKE REX THE DOG: ah, these are my anti depressives.
Creative Leader: Let´s build a village together, inside the city!
21:00 - Doors open for audience, SET UP
21:30 - Dinner Scene
22:30 - Film Star Florentina Holzinger enters the red carpet, (her companions joins the table) which follows a very important Q&A
23:00 - Entertainment
00:00 - Delivery (Abortion) followed by welcoming/sorrow song. (Everybody Hurts)
00:30 - Entertainment
01:00 - Doors Close
Josefin Arnell (HellFun) Director, Waitress & camera
Max Göran (HellFun) Director, Waiter & camera
Barbara Endres as Dr Tomorrow Baby
Emilio Martinez as Creative Leader
Pedro Herrero Ferran as First Sound
Alicja Nowicz as Performance artist
Mezhgan Saleh as REX LIKE REX THE DOG
Sophie Serber as Human right Activist
Michele Rizzo as Don Quixote
Geo Wyeth as Midwife
Lukas Heistinger as first camera man
Florentina Holtzinger as Florentina Holzinger
Nikola Knežević Q&A interviewer
Judith Rhrmoser as Judith Rhrmoser
Aaron Mclaughlin - One scene script writer between Human Activist & Creative Leader
WATCH ON VIMEO https://vimeo.com/195645429